Optional features
RER has lots of optional features you may want to enable/disable. Here is a
list of the toggles and what they do
- Enable encounters loot when set to OFF completely removes any loot from RER, creature
materials included
- Enable Geralt comments when set to ON, Geralt will play a voiceline whenever an encounter
is created. Trail's fresh for hunts and he'll slur upon being Ambushed
- Enable action camera scenes when you get ambushed a camera scene will play
showing you the creatures who are about to ambush you. Setting it to OFF will remove this camera scene
- Only known bestiary creatures when set to ON, RER won't spawn any creature that
isn't in your bestiary yet. Therby guaranteeing you a playthrough without any spoilers.
- Hide RER notifications when set to OFF will remove some unimportant notifications
that RER may create
- Disable camera scenes when set to OFF will disable all camera scenes created by RER
- Disable camera blending when set to OFF will remove the smooth transition when a camera
scene starts and ends. The transition between the scene camera and the default Geralt camera.
- No camera scene on horse is a compatibility option with Immersive Camera.
IC has a bug in its camera code that makes the game crash during blended transitions, but only
in horse and combat states.
- Delay RER loading start (Bootstrap Hooked compatibility) is a compatibility option for
the Bootstrap Hooked users. This version of bootstrap loads RER so early the bounty master is not
loaded properly and it causes a crash and him whispering in your ear every time you load your save.
The option simply delays RER loading by a few seconds.
- Trophy pickup animation chance controls how often you see the scene that is played
whenever you get out of combat and there are RER trophies around you.
- Use path finding for trails when set to ON, will enable path finding when drawing trails.
It means that trails will avoid some obstacles and will try to go in a realistic path.
- Markers toggles control if you want map marker in the different situations.
- Skip bounty seed selector window when set to ON will skip the seed selection window
and use the seed 0 instead
- Dynamic creatures size when set to ON allows RER to dynamically change the size of the spawned creatures based on their level. Higher level creatures are bigger and lower level ones are smaller.