Everything you need to know about RERback to summary
What would be the point of killing monsters if you did not get any reward for it. RER adds new trophies with the sole purpose of being sold so that you can earn a few crowns from the monsters you killed. Because trophies may not sell much with the economy altering mods you use, it also includes an option for direct crown drops from creatures if you need it as well as custom loot for the creatures spawned by the mod.
As of RER v2.12 the loot system of the mod has been entirely revamped. You are able to find a single centralized menu called `General reward settings`, then every other feature that needs to add loot will use the values from this menu.
The rewards consist of four distinct categories, each with four other subcategories for the different levels of loot (the rarities ).
For each of these categories you will first find a ratio, it defines how often you should see the category compared to the other categories. If you set one ratio to 10 and another at 30, this means the second category has three times the chance to be selected compared to the first one.
Below the ratio is the amount of rolls once the category has been chosen. For some of the categories, such as the gear category, a single roll suffices whereas some others like consumables may need multiple rolls for it to match in terms of value.
The third option of each category is the amount of items on a successful rarity roll.
And finally you will find a slider to define the chance for each of the rarities. Getting a successful roll on one of the rarities doesn't exclude the other rarities from getting a successful one as well. This means that in theory you can get an item of every single rarity on a single roll for the category. When adjusting the values you should keep that in mind as setting the common rarity to a value like 100 will simply mean you are guaranteed to get a common item plus some other items for that category.
If you wish to remove one of these categories from the possible loot or one of the rarities, setting the ratio or the chance to 0 will do exactly just that.
You may have noticed a slider colored in gold at the top of the menu. Its has a direct impact on all the chances you set for the rarities, a value of `1` will simply multiply all of them by one, which means they remain unchanged. However if you to set it to `2` then all of them would be multiplied by two, and if you were to set it to `0.5` then they all would be halved. You will notice this is what the `low` and `high` presets are doing.
Now on top of this explicit multiplier there is also a hidden multiplier used by the other systems themselves. For example the killing spree loot, which gives custom loot when you repeatedly slain creatures, links the strength of your surrounding ecosystems to the chance multiplier. Let's say you are currently in an ecosystem at 150% of its original strength where you have been hunting creatures in the area for quite some time, every additional creature spawned by RER will now get an additional 50% chance to get loot. The ratio at which ecosystem strength is converted to chance multiplication can be controlled in the killing spree submenu. The default value is around 1% ecosystem strength = 0.3% bonus chance.
Another example of this hidden multiplier is the container refill feature. Every group of creature you kill has a chance to refill one of the nearby containers with new loot. The container refill menu offers an additional chance multiplier that it will use to multiply the global chance multiplier from the general settings. This allows you to roughly control how often you should see new loot in your containers.
In the crown settings, you control the base values for each encounter type.
And then for each creature you control how much of the base value they drop in %.
This value has some randomness you cannot edit, it varies by between 80% and 120%
of what you set. So if you set 50% to the Sirens it will in reality vary
between 40% and 60%
This allows you to tell RER that Sirens should drop few crowns and also control
the amount of crowns you get based on the encounter type. Some people do not
want crowns outside of contracts so they set the From ___ sliders to 0
except for the From contracts slider.
Then you can tweak the amount dropped on a per creature basis.
And finally, you can edit the chance for the creature to drop trophies.
100 means it has 100% chance to drop a trophy, 50
means 50% and 0 means no trophies drop this creature.
Containers are: boxes, bags, chests, barrels, ...
But first, let's talk about the presets: the defaults preset
is applied automatically the first time you play with the mod; and second:
the OFF preset to disable the feature.
Now the main sliders:
This feature allows you to unlock new loot tables for the creatures spawned by RER as you
repeatedly kill monsters in the same areas.
It is tightly coupled to the ecosystem feature as it uses
the ecosystem strength to
determine what loot table is unlocked.